Expression, Communication, and Origins of Meaning, Oxford UP (in progress)
Speaking My Mind: Expression and Self-Knowledge, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2004 (464pp.)
Speaking My Mind: Expression and Self-Knowledge, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2004 (464pp.)
- For more information, including an abstract and links to reviews, click here.
Papers on Expression, Communication, and Meaning
- “Neo-Expressivism: (Self-)Knowledge, Meaning, and Truth”, Philosophy (special issue), forthcoming. [penultimate draft]
- “Crude Meaning, Brute Thought”, Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy (special issue) (2019) [penultimate draft]
- “Epistemological Disjunctivism: Perception, Expression, and Self-Knowledge” (with Drew Johnson). In Pritchard et al. (Eds.) Epistemological Disjunctivism [penultimate draft]. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming) [penultimate draft]
- “Truth: One or Many or Both?” (with Keith Simmons). In N. Kellen, N. Pederson, and J. Wyatt (Eds.) Pluralisms in Truth and Logic. Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming) [final draft]
- “The Role of Inner Speech in Self-Knowledge: Against Neo-Rylean Views” (with Jordan Ochs), Teorema, 2018 [final preprint]
- "Minding the Gap: In Defense of Mind-mindR Continuities", in Wittgenstein and Naturalism K. Cahill and T. Raleigh (eds.), Routledge, 2018 [final preprint]
- “Pragmatic Interpretation and Signaler-Receiver Asymmetries in Animal Communication” (with Richard Moore), Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Animal Minds (Andrews and Beck, eds.), 2017 [final preprint]
- “Gricean Intentions, Expressive Communication, and Origins of Meaning”, Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Animal Minds (Andrews and Beck, eds.), 2017 [final preprint]
- “Sociality, Expression, and This Thing Called Language”, Inquiry (special issue), 2016 [final preprint]
- “Emotions and Their Expressions” (with Jim Sias), Emotional Expression (Abell and Smith, eds.), Cambridge UP, 2015 [final preprint]
- "Expression: Acts, Products, and Meaning", forthcoming in Minimalism, Pragmatism, Expressivism, S. Gross et al. eds, Oxford University Press 2015 [final preprint]
- "Origins of Meaning: Must We 'Go Gricean'?" Mind and Language, June 2013 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Expressive Communication and Continuity Skepticism," Journal of Philosophy, June 2013 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Expressing as Showing 'What's Within'," Philosophical Books, October 2010 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Lionspeak: Communication, Expression, and Meaning" (with Mitchell Green), in J. O'Seah and E. Rubenstein (eds.), Self, Language, and World: Problems from Kant, Sellars, and Rosenberg: In Memory of Jay F. Rosenberg, 2010 [final preprint]
- "Triangulation and the Beasts" (with Matthew Priselac), in G. Preyer and C. Amoretti (eds.), Triangulation: From an Epistemological Point of View, 2011 [final preprint]
- " ''Meaning'' Reconstructed: Grice and the Naturalizing of Semantics," Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 1995 [scan]
Papers on Expressivism and Self-knowledge
- “Belief Self-Knowledge” (with Kate Nolfi), Oxford Handbook Online, 2016 [final preprint]
- “Transparency, Expression, and Self-Knowledge”, Philosophical Explorations (special issue), 2015 [final preprint]
- “Emotions and Their Expressions” (with Jim Sias), Emotional Expression (Abell and Smith, eds.), Cambridge UP, 2015 [final preprint]
- "(How) Is Ethical Neo-Expressivism a Hybrid View?" (with Matthew Chrisman and James Sias), forthcoming in Having It Both Ways: Hybrid Theories and Modern Metaethics (Fletcher and Ridge, eds.), Oxford UP, 2014 [final preprint]
- "Varieties of Expressivism" (with James Sias), in Philosophy Compass 2013 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Expression, Truth, and Reality: Some Variations on Themes from Wright," in A. Coliva (ed.), Mind, Meaning, and Knowledge: Themes from the Philosophy of Crispin Wright, Oxford University Press, 2012 [final preprint]
- "Externalism and Skepticism: Recognition, Expression, and Self-Knowledge," in A. Coliva (ed.), Self-Knowledge and the Self, Oxford University Press, 2011 [final preprint]
- "First-Person Authority: Dualism, Constitutivism, and Neo-Expressivism," Erkenntnis, Volume on First-Person Authority, 2009 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Ethical Neo-Expressivism" (with Matthew Chrisman), in R. Shafer-Landau (ed.), Oxford Studies in Metaethics, Vol. 4, 2009 [final preprint]
- "Neo-Expressivism: Avowals' Security, and Privileged Self-Knowledge (Reply to Brueckner)," in A. Hatzimoysis (ed.), Self-Knowledge, Oxford University Press, 2010 [final preprint]
- "Externalism and Self-Knowledge: Content, Use, and Expression," Nous 38, 2004, 430-455 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Knowing Selves: Expression, Truth, and Knowledge" (with Douglas Long), in B. Gertler (ed.), Privileged Access: Philosophical Accounts of Self-Knowledge, Ashgate Epistemology and Mind Series, 2003, 179-212 [final preprint]
- "Avowals and First-Person Privilege" (with Douglas Long), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research LXII, No. 2, March 2001, 311-335 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Speaking My Mind," Philosophical Topics 28, Fall 2000, 1-34 [journal link] [final preprint]
Papers on Meaning and Linguistic Knowledge
- " 'Natural' Semantic Facts: Between Eliminativism and Hyper-Realism," in D. Jutronic (ed.), The Maribor Papers in Naturalized Semantics, 1997, 99-117 [scan]
- "Anti-Realism and Speaker Knowledge," Synthese 106, 1996, 139-166 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Is There Such a Thing as a Language?" (with Mark Risjord), Canadian Journal of Philosophy, June 1992, 163-190 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "On the Possibility of a Solitary Language," Nous 26, March 1992, 27-46 [journal link] [final preprint]
Papers on Conceptual Relativism
- "Language, Concepts, and Culture: Between Pluralism and Relativism," Facta Philosophica, 2004, 183-221 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Conceptual Relativism and Translation," in Preyer et al. (eds.), Language, Mind, and Epistemology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, 145-170 [scan]
Papers on Deflationism
- "The Use of Force Against Deflationism: Assertion and Truth" (with Keith Simmons), in Greimann and Seigwart (eds.), Truth and Speech Acts: Studies in the Philosophy of Language, Routledge, 2007 [final preprint]
- "Deflationism" (with Keith Simmons), in E. Lepore (ed.), Oxford Handbook in Philosophy of Language, Oxford University Press, 2006 [final preprint]
- "Deflationism, Meaning, and Truth Conditions," [with postscript] (with William Lycan and Claire Horisk), reprinted with postscript in B. P. Armour-Garb and J. C. Beall (eds.), Deflationary Truth, Open Court Readings in Philosophy, 2004, 321-352 [scan]
- "Deflationism, Meaning, and Truth Conditions" (with William Lycan and Claire Horisk), Philosophical Studies 101, 1999, 1-28 [journal link]
- "Troubles with Deflationism" (with Keith Simmons), "Language, Context, and Cognition" workshop, Uruguay, May 2007 (talk; please do not cite) [pdf]
Papers on Quine and the Indeterminacy of Translation
- "Semantic Eliminativism and the 'Theory'-Theory of Linguistic Understanding," in C. Viger, R. Stainton, and M. Ezcurdia (eds.), New Essays in Philosophy of Language and Mind, 2004 [final preprint]
- "Indeterminacy of Translation: Theory and Practice," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research LIII, No. 4, December 1993, 781-810 [journal link]
- "Semantic Verificationism, Linguistic Behaviorism, and Translation," Philosophical Studies 66, 1992, 235-259 [journal link] [scan]
- "Scepticism: The External World and Meaning," Philosophical Studies 60, 1990, 207-231 [journal link] [final preprint]
- "Semantic Indeterminacy and Scientific Underdetermination," Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 67, October 1986, 245-263 [scan]
Reviews and Other Philosophical Publications
- Review of Simon Evnine's Epistemic Dimensions of Personhood [final preprint]
- Review of Akeel Bilgrami, Self-Knowledge and Resentment, for Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2007 [link]
- Review of Timothy McCarthy (with Dean Pettit), Radical Interpretation and Translation, for Mind 114, No. 454, April 2005, 429-435
- Review of B. Loewer and G. Rey (eds.), Meaning in Mind: Fodor and His Critics, for Philosophical Psychology, 1994
- Review of Peter Strawson, Analysis and Metaphysics, for Philosophia, 1994
- Review of Christopher Hookway, Quine: Language, Experience, and Reality, for International Studies in Philosophy, 1990